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Thoughts create reality reddit

Thoughts create reality reddit

Thoughts create reality reddit. Reply reply Hi there, I dont really want to get into the discussion of thoughts creating our reality (from a dualistic perspective, thoughts creating and molding… Coins 0 coins People say our thoughts creates our reality. I heard that you are living a current reality that you have manifested in the past but I wonder with this idea in mind how would it apply for people who are currently struggling or going through a tragedy. Sep 27, 2020 · You participate in creating your reality whether you are aware of it or not. 11 votes, 18 comments. Your thoughts give form and definition to the body, otherwise you have no way of experiencing it. everything in existence came from a “thought” and product of a thought. One physical reality only requires one thought. You create nothing. . But if you think you can’t do it, you can’t no matter how much action you put into it. We experience dreams in a somewhat similar way to how we experience reality, so it is ridiculous to consider them irrelevant or unreal. “Your thoughts create your reality” is killing me Crisis If that’s true I’m doomed… because the reality I live in is one where all my fears are true and I have nothing 🙁 i hope my head is the only place this all exists… this may sound counterproductive, but the biggest shift happened when i stopped fighting against the thoughts. 576 votes, 74 comments. Your head-reality can be of course, but that has no bearing on the real reality. I expected to wake up in pain and I did. There is one thought. Now certainly we've all he'd these thoughts but this was the first reddit post I've seen since having those thoughts. having meditated for a decade, im beginning to think that no, our brains do not consciously create any thoughts or sensations. ” Anything you experience based on thought is an illusion. One final reason why Neville talks about feelings, which, as you now know, is his strategy to intensify your underlying subconscious thought. Now how many believe this is possible? And without believing there can be no thought that will create. Underestimating the power of feelings and thoughts, is going against finding what could be some of the culprits of many of our daily struggles and sources of sadness. If thoughts produce things to manifest “ come to life” that means that you can create your own reality and change it. Reality for us is being part of a brain that reacts to what the rest of the brain sends our way. It will come! You can achieve anything in life, don’t forget that. Your thoughts aren’t the only thing creating your reality, It’s you. I relate to pretty much all of these… I always heard that thoughts can impact or create your reality, thoughts you had in the past and thoughts you have in the future. but it is only possible if one is a creator (not a I am one that believes 100% our thoughts create our reality. Now, people are going to ask "How can I assume I'm in my DR when I'm in my CR?", that's the beauty of the law of assumption my friend, the well known saying of "your thoughts create your reality". This goes for even how our bodies function, and how we receive the things we put into it. B) Superposition of electron (in a state of decay and active at the same time) creating parallel universe. 206K subscribers in the OCD community. This happens with vision. Learn how to take charge of this psychological process so you can create more of the life you want. Everything exists in relationship to that one thought. Which is even more powerful. And people get stuck into the habit of thinking a certain way (for the majority of the time) that's not going to get them what they want or further in life. Put yourself into a positive spiral by focusing on and developing your strengths. it can be happening but the awareness of such is lacked and there is only a certain degree available until both Your thoughts are creating your reality as much as reality is creating your thoughts. 1 subscriber in the ShikshaShala22 community. I definitely agree that action needs to take place. I have intrusive thoughts of my sp's being with someone else, job rejections, etc. Our perceptions and opinions change the way we see the world around us, and it evolves over time, changing the world with it. its a startling possibility. so ive read that thoughts create reality. And when you spend time obsessing over a negative thought, all you will create are more negative thoughts and emotions. Your thoughts create your reality as they affect your results. You think it's gonna be this way, so it is this way, or it's gonna get better In the future, but the future is always in the future. Thoughts are just thoughts. We don't have to suffer we want to suffer, and many people mistake thier suffering as their personality or ego. That stays the same no matter how different your head-reality might look. I would even go to the doctor and get my testosterone levels checked. It's a philosophy that teaches us to create our own reality by thinking positively; believing in ourselves and our abilities encourages us to manifest what we want. 0 who think they are 'different'. A subreddit dedicated to discussion, articles, and support regarding OCD. If we are sick we can thinking healthy thoughts and be healthy. However, we know that we can possess and hold onto hundreds of thoughts, all of them contradicting each other. its like a lens you are wearing. but i know that full telepathy is utilised when the two active participants both believe it is possible. You are not only building reality, part of it is already built (planet earth) and history. I began learning about how powerful the mind is and how our thoughts are what shape our reality. The Power of Thoughts The influence of thoughts on reality. this also creates reality. I even specifically thought about wings and there was a comment in this thread mentioning wings. It could be a mix from your own thoughts and the thoughts of others and they come together to build reality. It all circles back now. Things happen whether you're thinking about it or not. this is a very important question that im not sure any individual can confirm for you. For example, if you think, "I am dumb, I'm so stupid, I am never going to get this. Our existence is defined by how we interact with these thoughts and qualia. For people with anxiety, please take a massive sigh of relief. The sensory perceptions are there. I do have experience dealing with intrusive thoughts though, and my experience is that the more you stop engaging with them (arguing with them, proving them wrong etc) the less power they will have over you. dominant mental thoughts create personal physical reality and emotions can be used to intensify those thoughts. Here I sit, going against your beliefs, going against your thoughts, going against your reality. That thought is “me. I thought we created our reality and our reality would reflect our thoughts. When you dance to the music, the music is equally dancing to you. However, this isn't always effective. Thoughts do not create reality! In fact, what you resist, persists. When I began to expect the opposite, things quickly changed. the PERCEPTION. If you say unto this mountain get up and go into the ocean the mountain was really get up and going to the ocean. Now here's what happened. Thoughts from others can influence your own thoughts too. Thoughts do create reality. but they are not real they are just fears and unwanted thoughts. There's a song I've been thinking of but I couldn't remember what the name of it was. Feelings are more primitive and cannot be fully explained/conveyed through language (only way to know a feeling is to experience it). I study a course in miracles and it also teaches that sickness is a sign that we have vulnerable thoughts and separation from knowing we are one with God. If the natural process of reality consists of A) Thoughts (energy and information) create reality. but peoples dont really want be that, then its better do as they do now, try solve it with action, politics, therapy, laws ets, but they have the power to stop anything. Your body doesn’t know the difference between whats real and whats not and it also understands thoughts and emotions (words doesn’t). I think feelings create thoughts. Where the intrusive thoughts create uncertainty, the false feelings 100% convince me that the feared thing is true, and send me into a disastrous spiral that usually lasts until the feelings go away for awhile. I created this post by thinking about its contents. Then if that phrase is at least partially true, then thoughts have also the power to create a reality. However, one year of OCD/Anxiety recovery later I can confirm that your thoughts DO create your reality. So after flooding my poor brain with all this complex quantum physics, I had a thought. true. Everything you’ve done to this point ( as an adult) has been done by your thoughts. like manifestation and the idea of consent. To put it simplistically, every thought competes against each other for the right to bring its reality in front of you. If you did, I would not be in it, telling you how wrong you are. i began to see them as things outside of myself and not my own thoughts, and even started laughing at those intrusive, negative thoughts & continued straying farther from identifying with them till i became able to merely observe them this is a very important question that im not sure any individual can confirm for you. Thoughts create reality through action caused by said thought. Think Listen, we create our own realities by our thoughts. Think thoughts that are "right" and not "wrong" and watch your reality shift. It hits home now. So if you were able to FEEL and tHiNk as if you had what you want and stay that in that state for a couple of days, its gonna manifest. If thoughts really did have an importance in that, nothing could ever last nor be stable, because as humans we have emotions and moods, which lead us to have certain types of thoughts, and those would affect what's happening. So instead of fighting/ controlling your thoughts, simply see it for it is- a thought. Jesus said the body is the temple of God. Many self-help gurus advise their followers to focus on their thoughts and feelings to create the life they want. You create your thoughts, feelings and beliefs, which then, create your so called “reality” Emotions are your Universe Given Guidance Science confirms that emotions come AFTER thoughts. feeling is the secret, but it is not that kind of feeling, it is more like knowing. His film is a fascinating exploration of the ways we create the reality we experience, and the profound power of the perceived world. If the average person needs something, then they do the normal thing by buying it at the store. You did not create me, you did not create my reality, you didn't even create your own. For example, a great master can create objects out of thin air (ether) or eat lava rocks without getting hurt, but the average person can't. Furthermore, there is a world that is indeed a world under your feet when your born. Have you ever created massive change with positive affirmations or subliminal message meditations? If so what’s your fav affirmation/ affirmation mediation yt channel? And now here this post is. Your thoughts influence your feelings which inspire your action (cognitive behavioural therapy). Even invisible things like oxygen and our thoughts are energy. That's not to say you aren't also correct in your assertions about who is behind it. remember that buddha considered the mind a sense organ like the eyes or the tongue because it produces subjective It's a very different world, but all we know of reality comes from experience. i think you need to get there yourself. the two participants will be able to do it regardless of a skeptic observer. So the focus on a thought is the energy that change a thought into thinking and thinking rise the energy in motion Which is emotion. But it also happens with more complicated processes, like thinking about politics, the pandemic, or the reality of climate change. As the great philosopher Buddha once said, “The mind is everything; what you think, you become. Like if a person has a thought that a "if a person gets cheated on then he/she develops that every guy or girl is cheating or cheater". Experience IS what is real. Please read below for more… Everything is energy. I like the parable in the Bible by Jesus. Our thoughts also focus our attention on things, not unlike your social media algorithms, and we notice those thoughts in our reality more. Reality is reality, and it cannot be changed or dictated by your thoughts. The Buddha said what you think you become. See full list on bigthink. ” This profound statement highlights the profound impact that thoughts have on our lives. A thought practiced over a period of time, many times becomes a… Our brains work hard to bend reality to meet our prior experiences, our emotions, and our discomfort with uncertainty. Your thoughts, perceptions, & emotions don’t “create” reality in the literal sense, but they do create how you filter & see reality. ☺️ 14 votes, 11 comments. Because thoughts are complex and require the use of language (or at least mine do). LOA agrees and teaches that emotions are indicators of alignment with your inner being's thoughts. Pretty neat. com The strong thought that thoughts do not create matter and reality is projected into their experience of reality. Here's an example: I used to have intrusive thoughts 24/7 that I was transgender and I constantly checked for signs. I gave my dad my Neville Goddard collection book and was talking to him about the basics of the Law of Assumption, and he was pretty much agreeing with the stuff and giving me examples of the Law working for other people and hell a story about it working for him as a child. So to create reality you have to create a buffer time between normal habit patterns and see where the resistance is, and move through it creating hard boundary that the subconscious has to agree upon, and then from that space the universe will start changing working order. " You will receive an indicator of negative emotion - why? Yeah, seeing how huge PoS are looked with awe by many (because they're rich and famous and therefore worthy of admiration), I'll take "sayings that do not work in real life for 400, Alex". It's kinda crazy, but I have a similar story. Many on the Neville Goddard subreddit spread this pseudoscience as the gospel and legitimately believes Quantum Mechanics prove thoughts create reality this is not surprising at all since Neville Goddard and his new age cult members are just Law of attraction 2. I’ve been trying to reach a deeper understanding of how thoughts create reality for a while now, and the new understanding I have of that concept is this: Thoughts don’t resonate outward. Thoughts of suffering create more suffering. This eventually pushed me into thinking about what our reality actually is and how amazing it is that anything exists at all. So if you mind read your friend and guess what they are thinking, you may be able to identify a thought that came to them. The body does not exist except as a thought. That includes thoughts sent our way. Most people when it comes to law of assumption will worry and complain about their 3D (the physical), they tend to look for excuses on why they don't The only true method you need is to think of what you want. No, you don't. Or is reality a subjective rendering of our own individual consciousness? In Dream Scenario, director Kristoffer Borgli asks us to consider a world where reality is the latter. Id put thoughts and actions equally but i definitely agree they focus on thoughts and not nearly enough on action. no no not at all. It doesn’t create reality in the literal sense, but as other have kind of touched on, in a way our thoughts create our own reality. Their thoughts cause them to ignore the highest level of science in favor of their own illusion based on their beliefs they are unable to dispense with. But once that thought comes and you don't let it go and you focus your attention to it it becomes thinking The verb/ the action and now thinking which is thought + focus or attention affect the emotion. Your thoughts have an incredible power that can shape and mold your reality. Don’t lose hope No matter how ‘unrealistic’ it is, you will still get it. You Define You. Existence of experience is what makes Life real. He gives us the answer if our thoughts can create our reality. I have read about the crucifixion In Chapter 6, and if I am interpreting it correctly- Jesus made a choice to be crucified as an extreme example to teach how we should react in situations in which we feel crucified. I dont want offend anyone butis not blaming, its responsibility, the victim can reverse the bad creation, but only if he or she is the creator. In your reality, you're correct but if you manage to escape your negative thinking-feeling loop, even the darkest facts of your reality will change. You create your reality. thoughts can trigger feelings, and also your reaction, feeling anger, sadness, joy. I don’t believe God/Goddess would let your intrusive thoughts create reality. " _UG Like when they say "thoughts create reality", i am guessing they are talking about perception. Forethoughts do NOT create reality, that's all subconscious. Depending on the person, it will be different. Let me explain this. Anything we say after "I am" we become. FIND EDUCATIONAL TOPICS, TALKS AND VIDEOS I started action with thought. the whole “create your own reality” thing seems to be focusing on the playing of the hand - not on the cards you are dealt - which of course does not capture the whole picture, but does capture an important aspect. This reminds me of the quote “you can’t change the cards you’re dealt, but you can change how you play the hand” . however, if you have a thought and you do not have emotion attached to it, then does it not effect you? Your thoughts are not you, but your thoughts determine how you perceive the world around you. Your thoughts create your reality because YOU create your reality, bit by bit and day by day and moment by moment, you are making choices. That is why i don't believe in "manifesting 24/7" or "thoughts create reality" (let me be clear real quick I do believe thoughts create reality not just every single little thought we have haha) "Thoughts create reality" has different levels truth. They resonate within, creating an energy that vibrates in your Being. They create your reality because they determine your actions, and your actions define your impact on the world. Your beliefs, however, are what creates your reality. Does this mean his thoughts were focused on sacrifice? You are not your thoughts you are an observer of your thoughts…. bqcql ymdatx uvl zmhtx uynr kdkevg jyi ilim detlq eothowj